Draft Federal Financial Data Strategy for Feedback
Welcome to the Draft Federal Financial Data Strategy Feedback portal! The Chief Financial Officer Council (CFOC) Financial Data Transformation Executive Steering Committee, with representatives from key agencies specified below, is soliciting your feedback on the draft Federal Financial Data Strategy as part of Action 9 in the Federal Data Strategy 2020 Action Plan. We have engaged Federal stakeholders and decision-makers to develop the draft strategy to Open, Connect, and Demonstrate Value while promoting public trust in financial management transparency and accountability, in a way that meets user needs while minimizing reporting burden and orienting the business of government around data.
This information will be used to contribute to a future state of the strategy. This strategy is a draft and should not be interpreted as setting policy or official guidance.
Cross Agency Priority (CAP) Goals are established to drive the implementation of the President’s Management Agenda. The PMA lays out a long-term vision for modernizing the Federal Government in key areas that will improve the ability of agencies to deliver mission outcomes, provide excellent service, and effectively steward taxpayer dollars on behalf of the American people.
In June 2019, the Office of Management and Budget issued the Federal Data Strategy which describes a ten-year vision for how the Federal government will accelerate the use of data to support the foundations of democracy, deliver on mission, serve the public, and steward resources while protecting security, privacy and confidentiality. The strategy provides a pathway to guide the Federal Government in building a data-centric environment to promote public trust in financial management, transparency and accountability of Federal dollars.
The draft Federal Financial Data Strategy seeks to:
- Open and improve the accessibility of data
- Connect data to support mission and demonstrate performance
- Demonstrate Value, using the spending and performance data to display and report the lifecycle of funding for Federal programs
How To Give Feedback
Review the draft Federal Financial Data Strategy document by downloading the PDF below or viewing the four slides at the bottom of this page.
Download PDF - Draft Federal Financial Data Strategy
If you wish to provide feedback, please use the comment box below. It is important to note what section of the draft strategy you are commenting on, using the options in the dropdown box, to ensure your feedback is incorporated accurately. A general comment option is available. If you have more than one comment, please submit each separately.
Comments are being accepted through March 8, 2021
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Draft Federal Financial Data Strategy
Page 1 - Federal Financial Data Strategy Overview
The ESC is comprised of representatives from each organization